Saturday, January 25, 2020

History and Overview of Pulse Oximetry

History and Overview of Pulse Oximetry Pulse Oximetery Leslie Bruchey Introduction to Pulse Oximetry Pulse oximetry has changed the medical field for eternity. The ability to be able to monitor a patient’s oxygen saturation noninvasively has become a standard of care for those who are in the hospital. Pulse oximetry is the ability to measure the oxygen saturation of arterial blood using a pulse oximeter (Pulse oximetry,n.d†). This allows the body to be externally monitored and help maintain the oxygen saturation. The pulse oximeter allows for someone’s oxygen saturation to be measured in a matter of seconds instead of drawling an arterial blood gas which requires a needle and about fifteen minutes to have the results (Arterial Blood Gas, n.d.). History of the Pulse Oximeter A pulse oximeter is a device that allows for noninvasive measurement of a person’s oxygen saturation within their body to make sure their body has adequate oxygenation to prevent fatigue, shortness of breath, becoming disoriented or even leave the body with permanent damage (Brite, 2010). Glenn Milikan was able to create a â€Å"light-weight optical device† that was able to be placed on the earlobe to monitor pilots oxygen levels while flying during World War II (Tremper, n.d). When Milikan developed this device he used Beer- Lambert’s law which believes that using light and wave length can determine that concentration of a solution (Tremper, n.d). In this case, this theory was able to revolutionize the pulse oximeter. This new technology was able to help give doctors and scientists the ability to look inside the body without making the person uncomfortable, or affect their performance in the pilot’s case. In 1964 a surgeon in San Francisco continued to de velop the pulse oximeter and then it started to be distributed by Hewlett Packard in the 1970’s. This pulse oximeter was the first one to be used in a hospital setting and was a large, bulky 35lbs piece of equipment. Not only was it large and bulky, it also cost about ten thousand dollars. (History of Pulse Oximetry, 2002).The pulse oximeter has come a long way over the years and has become crucial in the medical field. How the Pulse Oximeter Works When thinking about pulse oximetry, one may wonder how a pulse oximeter works. This technology allows the health care professionals to see how well someone is oxygenating their blood. The blood is oxygenated through the lungs and then the blood is pumped from the heart throughout the body to organs and tissues to provide the needed oxygenation (A Patients Guide to Heart, n.d.). The way the pulse oximeter works is it looks at how oxygenated the blood is. Blood that is holding onto more hemoglobin absorbs more of the light that is provided by the pulse oximeter and allows more red light to pass through. Blood that has less oxygen will not absorb as much, leading to a lower oxygen saturation percentage (Principles of Pulse Oximetry, 2002). Types of Pulse Oximeters Today’s society, pulse oximeters can come in all different shapes and sizes. In the hospital setting, they can be portable with just as big as a D battery. This type just slips on a finger or ear and then is turned on to have a reading of the person’s oxygen saturation and pulse rate. Another type that is common in a hospital setting is one that is hooked to a monitor in the room and is a piece of tape that can be wrapped around the finger to continuously monitor the oxygen situation. This type is great in an Intensive Care Unit or someone who needs to be monitored closely. Not only are pulse oximeters used in the health care facility, but there also used for personal use, especially for someone who already has compromised lungs and needs to be able to monitor their own oxygen saturation whenever they may feel short of breath or are experiencing other symptoms of low oxygenation. Pulse oximters are easy to obtain online or through a medical supply company. Online a port able pulse oximeter can range from twenty dollars to several hundreds of dollars depending on the brand and the other options that not only pertain to measuring oxygen saturation (How Much Does a Pulse, n.d.). Reasons to Monitor Oxygen Saturation Some of the reasons that oxygen saturation would be tested is for surgery, procedures that involve sedation, diseases such as COPD, anemia, lung cancer and anything that may compromise the effectiveness of the lungs that would prevent adequate oxygenation of the blood (Oximetry, n.d.).With the health care professionals being able to monitor someone’s oxygen saturation, they are able to intervene sooner and prevent further complications. Oxygen Saturation The normal range for a person’s oxygen saturation should be between 96% to 99% in someone who has no respiratory issues. For someone who has mild respiratory trouble, their range should be anywhere from 90% and above. When one’s oxygen level becomes less than 90 for an extended period of time, they need to seek medical attention to prevent further complications (Pulse oximeter readings, 2010). If someone is experiencing low oxygen saturation, some of the symptoms they could be experiencing are shortness of breath and cyanosis which means the skin may have a blue appearance due to the lack of oxygen rich blood (Veach, 2011). If someone is experiencing these symptoms, they should seek medical attention. Interventions for Low Oxygen Saturations If someone is suffering from inadequate oxygenation, there a few different ways to intervene. One way is to place an oxygen mask on the patient. This will allow extra oxygen to support the persons lungs in providing more oxygen and preventing them from working harder to breath (Bateman Leach, 1998). Also if the situation is not remedied, other inventions may include an invasive arterial blood gas, BIPAP/ CPAP, which will push air into the lungs and support the lungs. All these interventions are imitated based on pulse oximetry monitoring of a patient’s oxygen saturation. Conclusion Pulse oximetery has become a revolutionary change in medicine over the years. Now that health care professionals are able to monitor a patient’s oxygen saturation noninvasively at any given time, early intervention can be put in place such as supplemental oxygen to prevent complications or even death. With the invention of the pulse oximeter and the ability to monitor the oxygen saturation without being invasive to the person has become a great contribution. If pulse oximetery and the pulse oximeter were never invented, what would happen to people in the hospital? Would everyone have to be stuck just to find out a basic measurement every few hours? This invention, has allowed people to keep their comfort, while allowing others to have access to needed data to treat them properly. The pulse oximeter has changed the way hospitals and the health care professionals monitor oxygen saturation forever. Works Cited A patients guide to heart surgery. (n.d.). Retrieved from University of Southern California website: Arterial blood gas. (n.d.). Retrieved from Bateman, N., Leach, R. (1998). Acute oxygen therapy. Retrieved from Brite, S. (2010). Importance of oxygen monitoring. Retrieved from History of pulse oximetry. (2002, September 10). Retrieved from website: How much does a pulse oximeter cost. (n.d.). Retrieved January 19, 2014, from Google website: Oximetry. (n.d.). Retrieved from Principles of pulse oximetry technology. (2002, September 10). Retrieved from website: Pulse oximetry. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pulse oximeter readings. (2010). Retrieved from Tremper, K. n.d. Pulse oximetry. Retrieved from Veach, M. (2011, March 10). What are effects of low blood oxygen levels?. Retrieved from

Friday, January 17, 2020

Solutions to the Cape Town electricity cost problem

Introduction It is a known fact that the cost of electricity is incising at a dramatic graduated table. The City of Cape Town Electricity Department anticipates that the monetary value of electricity would hold perchance quadrupled ( 415 % ) between 2006/2007-2015/2016 ( City of Cape Town 2014 ) . At the minute electricity is traveling up by an norm of 19 % a twelvemonth ( South African Tourism, 2014 ) . Therefore salvaging electricity isn’t merely a sort act to maintain the universe viridity but instead assist one salvage their difficult earned Rands. The money which is being saved can besides be put towards medium and long term ends in assisting one save electricity. A few simple actions is all it can take to cut down the sum of electricity you use. After roll uping a spider graph, our extended research on current ingestion of 10, The Mills, was legible and easy to see what contraptions contributed the most to our electricity measure. These contraptions were chiefly found within the kitchen ( electric refrigerator, range and boiler ) as the level consists of 3 people who all cook separately for themselves. The other chief subscriber is the geyser. A list of betterments have been written up ordered in short term which for a pupil would be the imitate and free alterations they can do to their life manner, along with medium and long term alterations that can assist better their electricity ingestion.Short term investing Internet Explorer. The no cost optionAll these options listed below are immediate short term declarations that involve R0 but are simply a simple behavior alteration. Many geysers are set to the temperature of 70Â ° Celsius ; nevertheless one can turn the temperature of the geyser down to 60Â ° Celsius and still bask a nice hot shower and at the same clip salvage 5 % on your electricity measure ( City of Cape Town, 2014 ) . By cut downing the temperature less energy ( electricity ) is consumed. Turning the geyser off during the twenty-four hours when you are non at place besides helps salvage electricity ( Jones, 2012:4 ) . Using less hot H2O can besides assist cut down electricity ingestion, for illustration taking short showers alternatively of bathing. Fill the boiler with the right sum of H2O needed ( State of California, 2013 ) . This may be seen as a surprise to many but use the dish washer and allow the dishes air dry alternatively of rinsing dishes by manus ( City of Cape Town, 2014 ) . However for this to be effectual the dish washer must be filled to its maximal capacity. Last use cold H2O where possible when making the wash, the lavation machine uses 90 % of its energy heating the H2O, by rinsing your apparels at 30-40Â °C one can salvage 4 % ( uSwitch, 2014 ) . Be a speedy chef and utilize the microwave for cooking alternatively of the range or oven as it uses about two-thirds less energy than the range ( State of California, 2013 ) . However if one must utilize the oven, cook a few repasts to acquire the most out of holding your oven on and if the range must be used, fit the pot size to the right home base on the range ( Grosvendor, 2012:25 ) . Filling up the electric refrigerator can besides assist one save electricity for holding the electric refrigerator full keeps the electric refrigerator from warming up excessively fast when the door is opened, leting the electric refrigerator to work less to maintain cool ( uSwitch, 2014 ) . If you are still utilizing the normal incandescent bulbs, exchange the visible radiations off when you leave the room. Switch over the Wi-Fi router off when it is non, hence at dark and when you leave for work in the forenoon. In standby manner contraptions can frequently pull up to 20 % of electricity therefore it is best advised to exchanging contraptions and equipment away at the wall ( City of Cape Town 2014 ) . One can salvage a batch more electricity by making this instead than go forthing contraption on standby manner which we frequently do. If you are up to re puting linear redstem storksbills and dismaies everyday so an option is turning off designated stopper switches on the chief switch board. This will assist you save electricity as no contraptions will be on standby or pulling unneeded energy.Medium term investings ( under R1000 )A good start would be to put in efficient illuming. Replacing all the old incandescent bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Lamps ( CFLs ) can assist salvage electricity as they use 75 % less power ( City of Cape Town 2014 ) . LEDs are even more effectual and efficient than CFLs and last 130 times longer ( Jones, 2012:16 ) . However they are more expensive. There is still t he option of turning visible radiations of when you exit the room to assist salvage electricity. Receiving hot H2O consumes 40 % of the electrical measure at the terminal of every month ( The SEO Company, 2014 ) . Within an hr a geysers temperature will drop 1Â °C and energy is invariably needed to reheat the geysers H2O ( City of Cape Town 2014 ) . On mean the geyser turns on 25-30 times a twenty-four hours to keep its original heat ( The SEO Company, 2014 ) . A average term investing can be insulating the geyser with a geyser cover along with 3meters of the geysers plumbing pipes. By insulating the geyser heat loss through the steel shell is reduced, the hot H2O is kept hotter for longer ( Grosvendor, 2012:35 ) . This consequences in the geyser non turning on every bit often as it would to heat H2O up. By put ining a geyser cover the energy usage can be reduced to about half of its old ingestion. Installing an efficient shower caput can besides assist cut down electricity costs. By cut downing the sum of hot H2O needed for a shower, money can be saved by necessitating less electricity to heat up the H2O ( The SEO Company, 2014 ) . By looking at this tabular array it is apparent that a shower caput can cut down electricity ingestion.Ordinary Shower HeadFlow RateWater Savings LitresElectricity SavingsskWhMonetary SavingssRands15 liters per minute37 800873R 887.8018 liters per minute45 3601 053R 1 053.3620 liters per minute50 4001 170R 1 170.40Formulated by utilizing info given on: The SEO Company 2014. Salvaging energy.SEO. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 25 February 2014 ] .Long term investingsInstalling a geyser timer can assist cut down electricity ingestion on the geyser. The simple device is programmed by you which controls the clip in which the geyser turns on and off ( The SEO Company, 2014 ) . As antecedently mentioned the geyser turns on every clip it needs to set to its original heat or eat H2O up. The timer is designed to command the geysers behaviours. The geyser can be set to be turned off during the dark and come back on during the early hours of the forenoon and back off when everyone is at work and out the house. Installing dual glazing on Windowss can assist cut up to 50 % of heat loss ; this will assist in winter as one can cut down the sum of electrical warming contraptions that consume a batch of electricity ( U.S Department of Energy 2014 ) . Replacing electrical kitchen contraption with gas contraptions ( gas range, oven and kettle ) could be an alternate to cut down electricity ingestion. A heat pump is a device that uses a little sum of energy to travel heat from one location to another. They are by and large used to draw heat out of the land or air to heat up a house ( The SEO Company, 2014 ) . The procedure can besides be reversed and alternatively of warming, it can assist chill the house. A heat pump besides offers one a manner to utilize electricity expeditiously when heating H2O. Installing a solar geyser or solar panels for the house can assist cut down 1s electricity measure along with all the above accommodations ( Oxlade, 2013:28 ) . Fun and Freaky Facts:City of Cape Town, 2014 Leaving a computing machine proctor on nightlong can blow every bit much energy as doing 800 A4 photocopies. Overfilling an electric boiler can blow adequate energy to run a Television set for 26 hours. Lighting an empty life room or bed room overnight, can blow adequate energy to do 1000 cups of tea. Televisions, DVD machines, Laptops, computing machine and picture machines left on ‘Stand-By’ continue to utilize at least half the sum of electricity they use when they are turned on. Mentions: City of Cape Town 2014. Energy salvaging tips.City of Cape Town. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 25 February 2014 ] . City of Cape Town 2014. Exceed 10 best ways to salvage electricity.City of Cape Town. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 25 February 2014 ] . Grosvendor, M. 2012.Energy-Saving Tips For Dummie.America: John Wiley & A ; Sons. Jones, E. 2012.Energy Saving Tips. London: Amazon Oxlade, C. 2013.Electricity. London: Raintree. South African Tourism 2014. Electricity. South Africa Inspiring New Things. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 25 February 2014 ] . State Government of Victoria 2014. Exceed 10 ways to salvage power. Switch over on. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 25 February 2014 ] . State of California 2013. Summer Time Energy-Saving Tips.Consumer Energy Centre. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 25 February 2014 ] . The International Energy Agency. 2005.Salvaging Electricity in a Hurry: Covering with Temporary Shortfalls in Electricity Supplies. America: OECD Publishing. The SEO Company 2014. Salvaging energy.SEO. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 25 February 2014 ] . U.S Department of Energy 2014. Energy Savers Guide: Tips on Salvaging Money and Energy at Home.U.S Department of Energy.[ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 25 February 2014 ] . uSwitch 2014. 19 free energy salvaging tips. uSwitch. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // . [ 25 February 2014 ] .

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Heliopolis Creation Story - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 341 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/08/08 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Ancient Egypt Essay Did you like this example? At first, there was nothing in the world but a vast ocean of chaos, which was named Nu. There was nothing in the world except Nu. There was no sky, no land, no up, no down, nothing. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Heliopolis Creation Story" essay for you Create order Using his pure thoughts and force of his will, Atum came to be. Atum was the first of the primordial Egyptian gods. He created a hill because there was nowhere he could stand. Now there was only Nu and Atum in the world. Atum was lonely, so he joined with his shadow to produce a son and daughter. He named his son Shu and made him the god of the air. He named his daughter Tefnut and made her the goddess of mist and moisture. Shu and Tefnut married and gave birth to Geb and Nut. At first, they were tangled together, so Shu pushed Nut up into the heavens. Nut became the sky goddess and Geb the earth god. They were destined to be together, but they had to be separate to fulfill their functions as the earth and sky. Nut and Geb gave birth to Isis, Hathor, Osiris, Set, Thoth, and Nephthys. One day Shu and Tefnut got lost in the waters of Nu. At this time Atum had only one eye. He sent it to search for Shu and Tefnut. While the eye was out looking for his children, Atum fashioned himself a new eye. When the eye returned with his kids, Atum wept tears of joy. When the tears hit the ground, they became the first men. Worship and Pharaohs The Egyptians believed that they should worship the gods. They offered sacrifices, pleasing the gods. Sometimes, they would offer sacrifices for things like keeping their temples and pyramids safe. The pharaohs (the rulers of a part of Egypt) were said to have divine powers, so citizens worshipped the gods and the pharaohs. Around 3000 BC, a man named Narmer united the upper and lower halves of Egypt. He became a ruler of all of a\Ancient Egypt, the first true pharaoh.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Power In Stephen Frears Film, The Queen And Shakespeares...

â€Å"Power is the ability to manipulate and control whatever one desires, to do what one pleases to do, without answering to authority.† Political authority and power play an extensive role in both Stephen Frears Film, The Queen and Shakespeare’s play, King Lear. Frears explores the theme of power through, Queen Elizabeth II, a hardline traditionalist who is blinded by old world protocols and traditions all but failing to see the transfer in balance of power. Similarly, Shakespeare explores the theme through the protagonist Lear, a king fascinated with grand showings of his sovereignty by staging and arranging situations that praise his ego. The very nature of power is in fact hazardous and has the ability to devour those who wield it,†¦show more content†¦The emotive grandstanding language illustrates the dynamic prominence of exercising power imprudently and in haste. However, in contrast to The Queen, Lear’s transference of political authority to h is daughters is on the prerequisite of flattery with an over exaggerated speech which must appeal and appease his ego: â€Å"Which of you shall we say doth love us most, that we our largest bounty may extend.† (Act 1.1.45-50) Lear’s actions have afforded his daughters the opportunity to take advantage of him. This strengthens Shakespeare’s theme of power, that authority is nothing more than a show and a display of status through language and verbal praise. In addition, Frears demonstrates the fragility of power and where leadership is vehement when Princess Diana is killed. The Queen loses some informal authority torn between old world protocols and customs, remarking that, â€Å"This isn’t a matter of state, it’s a private matter.† The Queen does not want to join the public in mourning, she wants to keep it separate. Her cold aloof persona displays a woman trapped between two eras and as such fails to see what is happening around her. She is naà ¯ve and out of touch,